Robber Gives Back Flip Phone For Being 'Crappy' (VIDEO)

A Brooklyn resident was mugged at gunpoint while walking with a friend through Central Park on Saturday night when the robber gave the phone back because it was old, according to the New York Post.

Old flip phones are so unwanted thieves won't even steal them anymore, and it kept Kevin Cook's phone in his pocket, according to the Post.

According to Cook, he and his friend were stopped and told by two muggers to give them their phones and valuables as they pointed a gun in their faces. When Cook handed over his 3-year-old phone running on Windows, the thief took one look and handed it back, the Post reported.

"Once he saw my phone, he looked at it like, 'What the f-k is this?' and gave it back to me," Cook, 25, told the Post, "It's like a 3-year-old generation Windows phone."

"I guess he didn't think he could get anything for it," Cooke added. "It's kind of humorous."

Cook, who works as a New York Sports Club salesman, was near the West Drive entrance in the 60s around 12:30 a.m. Saturday when the incident occurred, the Post reported. Both muggers ran away before police could detain them.

According to the Post, phone theft is still high and a new stolen phone database has been completed by four major United States networks in order to make stolen phones less practical for thieves.

Saturday's theft is the the 13th robbery reported in Central Park this year and is the same number as last year, the Post reported.

NO THANKS: Thief Rejects Victims Flip Phone During Central Park Mugging