LinkedIn multibillion dollar deal prompts Twitter sale

The fact that LinkedIn was sold to Microsoft on Monday for more than $26 billion, it would not be hard for a celebrated social media platform like Twitter to do the same.

If Microsoft is willing to shell out a colossal $26 billion for Linkedin, then there definitely has to be an emancipator in the making for Twitter as well.

To be more precise, since there have been strong talks that major companies such as Google's parent Alphabet, Salesforce, Facebook, Microsoft, and even Verizon have set their eyes on the social networking giant.

Now that the Linkedin acquisition has been accomplished, a boost in the value of Twitter has occurred --something that CEO Jack Dorsey has not accomplished especially when Twitter's stock dropped by almost 60 percent within a year after CEO Dick Costolo announced his resignation.

Another major reason is that 2016 was supposed to be the year of Twitter's resurgence. But instead, the social media company went into a state of crisis.

It has stumbled with enticing new users with a strategy so disorganized that it has simply lost the faith of investors. The numbers of executives leaving the company are rising with CEO Dick Costolo's departure in 2015 being the catalyst.

One major problem that can occur if the speculation of sale does become a solid reality is the price tag, which is widely favored at around $18 billion due to the circumstances including the recent sale of LinkedIn to Microsoft.

However, according to inside sources, Twitter is looking to sell at a much higher price.

How much? At a whopping $30 billion price tag.

This might be too much considering the state of the company. This will most likely disqualify Salesforce since it made an attempt to purchase LinkedIn but disclosed that the price is too high for an under $50 billion company.

Twitter, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Dick Costolo