Google has been expanding its Glass Explorers program over the past few months in an attempt to expand the amount of Google Glass wearable headset devices that are active in the real world. Reports indicate that Google wants to start making the technology available in early 2014, so the more beta testers the better.
Google has reportedly offered to expand its Glass wearable computer for sale to a further selection of people in an offer for "VIPs" only. It began by expanding the Explorer program to attendees at the I/O conference and then to friends of existing owners. Now Google is apparently e-mailing a subset of those using Google Music All Access to offer them the chance to buy their own Glass device.
According to The Telegraph, the e-mail reportedly directs users to a sign-up page, which reminds any potential customers that Glass Explorers must be residents of the United States, at least 18-years-old and able to supply a U.S. mailing address or be able to pick up their device from a New York, Los Angeles or San Francisco address.
The Glass has previously sold to Explorers for $1,500. However, the new sign-up e-mail to Google Music All Access users does not mention the price of the device being offered to this potential new batch of Explorers.
Glass will allow users to wear a small screen just above their right eye and appears as though a 25-inch display is just inside of their peripheral vision. The device has no buttons and mainly operates via voice control. You can activate the device by tapping the side or by saying "OK Glass" followed by a command. It can record video, take pictures with a wink, has some audio capabilities with a headphone attachment (seen abovce) and is designed as an "augmented reality" device for users as they move throughout the world in public and private.
Have you been able to experience the Google Glass as an Explorer? If so, tell us about your experience with the device. If not, tell us if you'd be interested in making the Google Glass a regular part of your every day tech world. Comment and share your thoughts with us below.