Desperate for Headphone Jacks, People Are Drilling Holes in their iPhone 7

According to a recent news, a YouTube video has gone viral that shows a YouTuber, "TechRax" drilling a hole in his iPhone 7 to reveal a 3.5mm headphone jack, where your headphones will fit perfectly.

Since its release last week, the video has been viewed 10 million times. Even though "TechRax" shows that the headphone jack that he drilled in his iPhone 7 didn't work, this still hasn't stopped many from trying, in the hopes of getting their good ol' jack back.

Many people who tried this technique ended up leaving their smartphones useless, according to comments left by several users on the video. One such user said, "Help, now my old headphones fit in but the phone doesn't work anymore!"

There have been plenty of other comments on the video expressing user's despair of rendering their iPhones useless after drilling a hole through them. Some even believe that charging it on for long will bring the phone back to life.

As Apple made a bold decision to finally do away with the headphone jack and release their newest offering without one, many users have been divided on whether or not they should give it a try. Even though Apple is shipping its iPhone 7 units complete with an adapter that lets you plug in your headphones through a lightning port, is it still enough to make up for the loss of a headphone jack?

While iPhone 7 is still in high demand, many Apple enthusiasts panned the company's move. Some of the fans, apparently, are so bothered with Apple's decision that they would actually implement the joke of drilling a hole through their iPhones in hope of reviving their headphone jacks.

While this may have all been in jest but there are some users who are now left with a very expensive smartphone that is useless and not covered under warranty. While the new lightning adapter works just fine, drilling a hole in your smartphone will not reinstate the lost headphone jack and will only kill your iPhone.

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