Blizzard: 'Diablo 4' will likely be launched at BlizzCon 2016

Last year, we heard the news that a new expansion pack for Diablo 3 will be released at BlizzCon 2015. But the event took place and we haven't seen it, or even any other Diablo related news.

Since then, we have heard the rumors that people from Blizzard are working on Diablo 4. We were even hinted by the job listing published by Blizzard, but still waiting for official news. The good news is that we might see some innovation regarding Diablo franchise on this year's BlizzCon.

A while ago, fans see a tweet from the official Diablo account in which answered their endless questions that they will hear the news about their favorite video game at this year's BlizzCon event.

"BlizzCon will be very cool this year," said Blizzard on the issue.

However, the premise did not guarantee Diablo 4 because it is possible that the manager just wanted to say that this year the event will be remarkable for any other reason.

Remember: BlizzCon 2016 will take place on November 4.

The Blizzard's ad say that they are looking for Software Engineer, Senior Concept Artist, Senior Character Artist, Senior VFX Artist, Senior Animator, Animator and Game Director. The last role is especially interesting because recently Jos Moskeira left that role from the game Diablo 3.

Blizzard is already known for their excellent care of their older titles, but the best evidence for this statement is Diablo 3. The game was launched a few years ago, but Blizzard is still regularly bringing out new additions to the refresh and make interesting even those gamers who bought it immediately after release.

The latest reason why gamers are still interested in Diablo 3 is that the 2.4.2 updates bring come three new levels Torment XI, XII, and XIII. Of course, 13 level represents the biggest challenge that this title has brought to players.

The new furnace also brings interface improvements, changes in Adventure mode, and the new Legendary Item abilities, as well as numerous bug fixes.