El Niño pushes CO2 levels to record high, beyond Earth tolerance

The latest data from NASA, which revealed the extremely high temperatures recorded on a global level in the last six months, sounded as the realization of information that tabloids fire at us for some time.

We are witnessing the changing climate history and it became official - the climate is changing and we are responsible for it. There is no need for some scientists and governments to convince us that nothing is happening to our planet.

The real question is: in what kind of world will we and our children live in the future?

Scientific data have uncovered that carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the Earth's atmosphere are about to reach the 400 parts per million thresholds this month.

New measurements from the Mauna Loa Observatory (Hawaii) found that apart from the 25 % increase in human emissions, the El Niño phenomenon appears to be intensifying the rise in CO2 in the atmosphere, reports Engadget.

The most troubling thing is that CO2 levels are unlikely to dip below the 400ppm mark for a very long time to come. If anything, it is a clear sign of how serious our situation is.

Effects of this increase in carbon dioxide levels may not be felt immediately, but they will definitely happen later on as CO2 continues to be pumped into the atmosphere on a regular basis.

Governments need to push harder to reduce greenhouse emissions to at least minimize the impact and pave the way for decreasing CO2 levels in days to come. Scotland has already succeeded in this efforts as it announced that the country has managed to decrease its emissions by 45.8 percent from the 1990 level. This is also 4 years ahead of its 2020 plan to lower emissions by 42 percent.

Afforestation would help to lower CO2, but it is not enough to reduce its concentration in the air. In the United States will probably introduce the tax to the introduction of the CO2 tax, there are variants that can be manipulated climate, but this is geo technology. One idea is to emit a certain amount of aerosols in the stratosphere, whose particles will reflect part of the solar radiation that comes to earth and reduces the amount of solar radiation that comes to us, which will help us control the temperature on the surface.

The problem is that nobody knows the consequences of inserting material that did not exist before. More scientists advocate another thing, special technology to trough out carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into a solid, and (let's say) deposited at the bottom of the ocean or in the former oil and gas sites. It is not unrealistic because it's the reverse process of what we were doing.

It is estimated that if America wanted to solve the problem with a large part of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere, it would cost $ 90,000 per citizen, and if you start to work 50 years from now, it will cost $ 200,000.

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