Arrow Season 2: Will Roy Return to His Vigilante Ways?: Three Things to Anticipate/Wish For in Season's Second Half

We're a couple weeks away (yes, a couple weeks is too long of a wait) from the "Arrow" winter premiere and there are quite a few things to look forward to. Here are three things I'm anticipating/wishing for in Season 2's second half:

No. 1 - The new Roy:

Roy finally has something he didn't have when he was out beating up bad guys at night - superpowers. The preview for the winter premiere showed Thea's boyfriend punching through concrete with relative ease - at least it wouldn't be that easy for me. Will Roy become a vigilante once more?

No. 2 - Olicity's next chapter

I've typed the word "Olicity" a gazillion times since I started writing TV spoilers and they're still not technically in a relationship. (But I am holding out hope like many of you.) However, according to an interview did with executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, we will see a change between Oliver and Felicity - and we can thank one particularly speedy superhero. "The fallout from Episode 9 carries over into the next episodes as far as the Oliver and Felicity relationship is concerned," Kreisberg recently told the website. "Barry has had a profound effect on them, and that will carry through."

No. 3 - Slade and Brother Blood

The midseason finale revealed Slade is the one pulling the strings - and for some reason he wants to stick an arrow in Oliver's eye. What's is his plan and how will he continue to use Brother Blood? Also, how much danger is Laurel going to be in as Blood's new romantic interest?

"Arrow" returns Jan. 15 at 8/7c on The CW.

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