After Amazon Echo, Google Home to release voice recognition speakers too

Amazon just launched Echo in the UK the past week. After the launching, Google Home starts introducing its own smart home future with its voice recognition device.

Before, humans thought that talking to whatever king of modern device like computers is just a fanciful idea. Now, two companies are competing for delivering the best voice recognition product.

After Amazon released Echo in the UK last week, Google Home will be launching a device that can speak to humans more so in a living room.

According to The Guardian, this device that the search engine giant will be expected to launch is "personal assistant" speaker system. It was reported that this could process search requests and some daily chores when there are instructions from humans.

When Amazon launched Echo, the company transformed the market with the aid of Alexa, Amazon's digital assistant. This product has a low-key launch. Despite of that, it sold 3.5 million units.

The Amazon Echo could connect to Wi-Fi, and one could just ask them to play music, turn on the ligths, read news, and some other tasks. However one of the limitations noted was the requisite of smart home gear that should be placed elsewhere.

As reported on The Verge, this Echo also features an omnidirectional microphone that enables it to hear across a room as it can't be turned off too. Nevertheless, its speech recognition is said to be excellent as it is above the competition.

With those features of Amazon Echo, can Google stays above the competition over the former?

Representatives from Google Home shared that the company aims to become the provider of intelligent speakers. Their device will concentrate on homes needs as it is on those places where electronic commerce can take place. They even cited that it is less important to utilize the Echo to shop on Amazon rather than working on your kitchen. That is where Google Home works and would deal on.

When Google Home would release their product, would this gives less possibility for Amazon Echo to replicate its US success in terms of providing the better voice recognition feature?