Get to know more about 'Pokemon Sun And Moon' features: Captain Sophocles, Poke Pelago and more unveiled

The Pokemon Company just introduced its latest update on its website as it has added new features in the Cool Features section.

One can now unlock the new and interesting vibrant hangout, which is called as Festival Plaza, along with the other immersive islands of Poke Pelago. There is also a big reveal as to how the Mega Evolutions can be unlocked.

The New World of Pokemon Sun and Moon

Festival Plaza is depicted as a place where everyone can enjoy the world together. The owner of Festival Plaza is Captain Sophocles. He is shown in the trailer.

Based on Sophocles statement, this new feature is a place reserved for the most passionate players. It is where they can use their own communication features as well as earn coins.

Getting to Know Poke Pelago

Poke Pelago is a paradise for Pokemon creatures to thrive in. Mohn, a new character is also shown in the trailer. He is shown explaining the process of bringing one's own Pokemon into Poke Pelago.

Unending Possibilities of Mega Evolution

Isle Abeens is the place where one can see Wild Pokemon; Isle Aphun is where one can discover rare and valuable items while Isle Evelup is where one can leave their Pokemon to undergo further training. These three islands comprise the whole Poke Pelago. This certainly makes the whole Pokemon world more vibrant and realistic compared to previous generations of the game.

Pokemon Company also stated that in the Pokemon Sun and Moon, if one catches an Evolving Pokemon inside the Alola region, those creatures can be Mega Evolved. However, one should possess the perfect Mega Stone in order for the process to commence.

Players have two options in collecting Mega Stones: either they get some from other gamers in the place or purchase it from the shops.