Kim Kardashian’s Armed Robbery speculated as an insurance scam

When news of Kim Kardashian's robbery swirled the world, people all over the globe particularly the netizens shared their respective opinions. Some gave their sympathy to Kim while others reacted differently like the robbery is just a publicity stunt and worse, an insurance scam.

Kim Kardashian was in Paris when the robbery incident took place for the Paris Fashion Week. As per some reports, she was being locked in the bathroom when all her jewelries and two phones were taken by two gunmen.

The Kardashian star flew immediately to US hours after the incident which made people doubt what could have really happened in that shocking incident.

Now, the public and the some of the media suspect that the incident could be an insurance scam or just a publicity stunt. This suspicion grew stronger after Kim's husband, Kanye West, posted on his social media account that he has $53 million debt as per Yahoo News.

With this, it has been speculated that he and his wife, Kim planned her armed robbery as an insurance scam. Rumor has it that the amount of money which was stolen from her was actually used as payment to cover for the debt.

According to IB Times, the actual post of Kanye West is read as this: "I write this to you my brothers while still 53 million dollars in personal debt... Please pray we overcome... This is my true heart..."

However, one problem with this rumor is that Kanye need not even resort to that since his earning can even pay for that debt he acquired if he chooses to pay for it. If he does that, he still have great deal of millions left in his bank account.

Even if the armed robbery incident as an insurance scam is just a rumor and baseless report, still netizens have comprehensively discussed it.

With Kanye's previous and controversial post along with the Kardashians being silent about it, could this Kim Kardashian's armed robbery be considered as an insurance scam after all?

Kim Kardashian