OnePlus X begins receiving OTA updates to Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow OS

OnePlus X users can rejoice for the fact that all OPX users begin receiving over-the-air updates to Android Marshmallow OS based ROM. The update was reportedly made available on OnePlus' forums.

The update will be the first official build for Marshmallow based ROM from the manufacturer. With a previous community build, beta testers and advanced users did have some performance issues and stability issues. This update, however, is the official stable release, which includes bug fixes and an October Android security patch.

A brief of the update reveals that the ROM will now be based on Android's previous operating system OS marshmallow v6.0.1. The launcher now includes some new icon packs along with customized Google search bar and users can now pick wallpapers of their choice.

In terms of settings, users are now provided with app permissions which are native android based. Along with an alert slider, the same can also be customized.

There's also a new music player along with OnePlus photo gallery. OnePlus have also decided to implement the latest security patches in the new ROM. Along with gesture optimizations and general bug fixes.

Staff member Berg explained about how users had issues installing Facebook or the messenger app which he explained that users now have to manually permit the app otherwise resulting in an app crash. Google+ which also was known to crash can also be fixed from the user-end.

The staff member thanked beta testers who had installed their community build by appreciating their feedback. This definitely helped them optimize the new ROM better along with some key improvements in several areas, reports iTechPost.

He also mentioned that users with previous versions running v2.2.3, 3.1.0, 3.1.1. and 3.1.2 are eligible for a direct OTA update to the v3.1.3 without having to side load or flash back to the previous versions.

It's fair to assume that all OnePlus X users are already rejoicing about Marshmallow in the forum post itself, thanking for it. One user reports that the October security update was very optimistic.

However, it's strange to assume that the security updates weren't really a part of Google and that only OnePlus had fixed some key issues which they might have included as a "security patch" since Google's own security patches take place around 05 or 06 every month.
