Colorado Pot Sales Brought In An Estimated $1 Million On New Years Day (VIDEO)

The Deputy Director of the National Cannabis Industry Association Betty Aldworth estimated almost $1 million in marijuana sales on New Years Day alone in Colorado, Reuters reported.

The lines outside dispensaries opening shop on the first day of the year when marijuana became legalized for sale consisted of out of town tourists as well as locals, according to Reuters. The state of Colorado has legalized recreational marijuana use since 2012, but Jan. 1, 2014 was the first day licensed marijuana retailers could sell pot for recreational use.

Some see the money making potential the new law brings, but Colorado's well known ski-resorts are not jumping on board, Reuters reported.

Colorado's Tourism Office stated it "has no plans to use the legalization to promote the state," according to a statement, and ski resorts have also opted out, leaving massive room for a number of small companies to cater to marijuana tourists, Reuters reported.

"There has been a law on the books since the 1970s in Colorado that makes it illegal to ski, board or even get on a ski lift if under the influence," spokeswoman for Colorado Ski Country USA Jennifer Rudolph, said, according to Reuters.

Firms such as Colorado Green Tour and My 420 tours say there is a large market of tourist coming to the state to experience something no where else can offer, Reuters reported.

According to the Founder of Colorado Green Tour, Peter Johnson, Green Tour is a "full-service cannabis friendly" travel agency which sets up ski vacation trips with a smoking session afterwards, but not before,Reuters reported.

"Colorado is obviously well known for world-class skiing," Johnson said, according to Reuters, "Now with cannabis being legal, that's kind of a fashionable ski accessory if you will."

Co-founder of My 420 Tours Matt Brown said more than 4,000 people have already signed up for upcoming tours and says the tours can be compared to a trip to California's Napa Valley, Reuters reported.

"We're that friend who lives in Colorado who can help introduce you and really show you things that just don't exist outside of our state," Brown said, according to Reuters.

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