We are Being Watched! Aliens will Pay Earth a Visit in 20 years

Chariots of the Gods, a book written by Erich von Daniken, was published in 1968 and immediately sparked a controversy. The 82-year-old author today believes in his theory today more than he did in 1960s as he has more evidence to prove what he claimed almost two decades ago.

According to Daniken, the aliens will visit planet Earth in 20 years and will first reveal themselves either on TV or a football stadium. He also added this theory is trusted by many intellectuals who have been told about the UFOs and their reality. Daniken asserts that we are being observed by these extra terrestrials.

From his home in Switzerland, Daniken points out that the aliens have been trying to make subtle contacts with us and it is about time we started taking their attempts of contact into serious consideration. This we will all learn to live in peace, he added. He also proclaims that it would be a bad idea to enrage a military-advanced race that can destroy or enslave humanity, should they ever come in contact with us.

Daniken, through his theory, explains that humans think they are the best in this universe and this is why they refuse to acknowledge the existence of aliens. He says that humans feel threatened that if existence of extra terrestrials is proven, it can eliminate our uniqueness. However, aliens had vowed to their ancestors that they will return and it would be foolish to be believe that this is all rubbish.

Hollywood film, "Prometheus" is inspired by Daniken's book, "Chariots of the Gods," which says that Pyramids and the Stonehenge are cryptic signs that the aliens left thousands of years ago. Now they stand today with a promise of their return.

As the author's controversial book celebrates 50th anniversary, Daniken will deliver a keynote speech at The Princess Anne Theatre, Piccadilly London on October 15.

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