[VIDEO] NASA image shows yet another walled city on Mars, proof of ancient civilisation

Just after the excitement over the finding of one ruined city on Mars as reported by HNGN began to settle down, yet another 'walled city on Mars' has begun to set off alien mania again. The strange, ruined city was located in NASA images of Mars last week.

A video of the find went up immediately on YouTube by paranormal channel Mister Enigma. It says: "An alleged alien city has been discovered on the red planet Mars. But is it the real deal?"

UFO seeker Scott C Waring called it seminal. He blogged: "This is an important discovery by Mister Enigma of YouTube. It is an ancient city in the far distant mountain top area. Cities on Earth were often built in higher locations like this too to give the city an advantage if it were attacked.

"It also gives such advantages as a better view, safe from floods, and all those approaching the city will see it from a distance making it intimidating, but then again, they are an alien species and their reasoning and way of thing may be very different from our own."

Hence, there seems to be one firm believer in the alien city, who cannot be convinced that it is just a rock.

Still, Mister Enigma is not all that above doubt. He has been blacklisted by UFO hoax buster websites, who claim that his channel tends to put out "fake and misleading footage."

But speculation is free, and all the alien hunters cannot be stopped. Last Friday, Waring blogged: "In the last couple of years, the number of images showing alleged structures on the surface of the red planet has quadrupled.

"In fact, nearly every single image beamed back by NASA's rovers on Mars seems to show at least one particular 'object' which appears to be artificially carved or created."

The finding has already been dismissed as 'pareidolia', "when the brain tricks the eyes into seeing familiar objects such as faces or animals in textures, patterns or clouds."

Still, even if it is a trick shot, you could say one thing about it. It will never stop looking like a wall around a city, would it?

YouTube/Mister Enigma

Mars, Aliens, UFOs