Rockstar Games GTA 6 will be delayed

Released in 2013, Rockstar are still riding on the success of the current Grand Theft Auto: V. Set in the beautiful city of Los Santos and Blaine county, the beauty and the story of the game is best enjoyed playing it personally.

It's about two insane criminals along with an innocent black lad who release the way it changes their way of life.

It's pretty much evident that Rockstar really took their time of two additional years to release it on the PC MasterRace even with some unavoidable delays. Since release on the primary gaming platform Steam, the game clocked a record breaking approximate to two hundred thousand active players at the time of launch.

With additional updates that took place during the course of a year and half now, the player count has drastically seen a rise in the player count with the release of each DLC time and again proving that Rockstar has nothing to stop for.

A major update that took place in October 2015, Lowriders update that was released on 20 Oct, saw a huge positive increase of five thousand players added on the single day itself with a positive increase of 22% which only increased until the next major update in June 2016 which further introduced adventures in finance and felony resulting an amazing increase of 59.15% of player count proving that there are absolutely no shortage of GTA V enthusiasts backing down from the game.

The latest update which includes the bikers DLC along with races online was finally in-game. To prove this, a Twitch game stream has an average viewership of 3000 views per month increasing gradually depending on the streamer's fame.

Certain prominent streamers like summit1g and shroud, both CS:GO pros would clock in an average of 10k views per stream when the game was at its peak. This makes it obvious for Rockstar to rather concentrate developing their current game further than develop the successor to GTA: V.

Even though rumoured that the next GTA would preferably take place in the USA itself, part of the user base is demanding a change in location probably to London if the rumours are to be believed. However, considering the rise in fame of the game, it's highly doubtful as to whether we would see a successor as early as Mid-2017.

Grand Theft Auto V, Rockstar Games