'Thor: Ragnarok' Update: Director Taika Waititi teases third film during Reddit AMA

Taika Waititi took to Reddit two days ago for an AMA, talking about his recently launched movie "Hunt for the Wilderpeople" and long anticipated "Thor: Ragnarok", described by the director from New Zealand as a "little passion project."

Waititi has confirmed that his endowment to the Marvel mythos will have the '80s feel to it and that we can expect shirtless Anthony Hopkins. In addition, Waititi answered a number of other interesting questions. Here are some highlights.

On the question about a press tour in the states for Thor: Ragnarok, he responded that he hopes that he can trust the actors to promote this movie the right way. He also said that he had the privilege to work with an impressive cast like Cate Blanchett, Anthony Hopkins and Jeff Goldblum. He added saying that they are amazing, gold, funny and beautiful people.

Since Kevin Feige said that Thor: Ragnarok will be the Winter Soldier of the Marvel Comic Universe's Phase 3 movies, one fan asked the director to elaborate on that and he didn't said much except that "he better see Winter Soldier... no joke."

The filmmaker of Thor: Ragnarok didn' t manage to reduce the curiosity of the fans regarding whether upcoming new sequal will melt well with its predecessor or the movie will stand on its own.

He was talking about humor in Thor, whether the upcoming movie have the same brand and did the actors maybe had a certan problems with filming funny lines. Taika Waititi said that fans can expect a Taika-esque tone and that the acting crew have been very accepting of his style.

The director of Thor: Ragnarok revealed that he had planned awesome things make the movie stand out from the other Marvel films. He thinks that TR will be one of the most adventurous and most "out there" films compared to all other marvel movies. Also, he said that Marvel fans can expect crazy funny movie.

There are rumors about a Doctor Strange post-credits sequence, too. Will there be DS references for Thor: Ragnarok? The director answered: "Probably a reference."

The director also told fans that it was difficult to subserve Thor's character and giving Loki his proper due at the same time. So ,this was something he concentrated a lot in Thor: Ragnarok . "Thor is awesome now," he said.

Jeff Goldblum, Cate Blanchett