How Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Justin Bieber caused Selena Gomez depression, anxiety

Aside from her Lupus that caused Selena Gomez's depression and anxiety attacks, allegations rose up that she is somehow involved with Brangelina divorce, and the Justin Bieber and Sofia Richie split.

The Daily Mail reported that the former Disney artist, Selena Gomez, is recovering well in a rehab center in Tennessee. On top of her Lupus that causes anxiety and depression, a lot has been going on with the actress-singer with her name getting caught in Justin Bieber and Sofia Richie's breakup.

Aside from this, Selena herself has posted a photo of her with Brad Pitt on her Instagram account to which Angelina Jolie was furious about, according to The National Enquirer.

In an interview with Ellen Degeneres, Selena said that Brad Pitt requested a meeting and a picture with her backstage after the show.

"I was in my dressing room and I had just finished performing. They knocked on my door and they said Brad Pitt would like to come in and I was like, 'He can come in'.

'He was like, 'Can I have a picture with you?' I was like, 'Can I have a picture with you?'".

Selena was also reportedly involved in Justin Bieber and Sofia Richie's break up, according to Inquisitr. It all started with an Instagram post wherein Justin made some of his fan unhappy by posting a photo of him with Sofia Richie.

The hate he got made him threaten to make his Instagram account private. This was where Selena jumped in and began lecturing him about his behavior towards his fans. Justin was not happy and accused Selena of using him for fame.

While there are no connections to be made between these events and Selena's meltdown and rehab check-in, it's obvious that they have made some impact on her.

Selena Gomez, Justin bieber