10-Year-Old Sister Of Prominent Taliban Leader Found Wearing Suicide Vest

The young sister of a prominent Taliban leader was discovered wearing a suicide vest by authorities in Afghanistan on Sunday, the BBC reported.

The 10-year-old girl, Spozhmay, was caught trying to attack border police in Helmand province.

According to the BCC report, police said the girl was convinced by her older brother, an unidentified Taliban commander, to perform the attack.

Sediq Sediqi, a spokesman for the interior ministry, said an Afghan soldier spotted the girl wearing the vest. She was either unable to operate the button to detonate the vest or was caught before she could make it explode.

She has since been transferred to the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah.

This is not the first case of a child attempting to or successfully carrying out such an attack. In 2011, an 8-year-old girl brought a bag full of explosives to a police checkpoint in Uruzgan province.

"The insurgents handed over a bag with a homemade bomb to an eight-year-old girl and asked her to take it to police forces," the Interior Ministry said in a statement following the incident. "As the girl was getting close to the police, it exploded and killed the girl."

No one else was hurt in the attack.

As the New York Daily News pointed out, the Taliban has denied using children for suicide bombs though the Afghan government has said they are responsible for them.