Space Populated with 234 Different Alien Civilizations, Claims Study

Aliens have always intrigued humankind with various theories and stories revolving around them and now two astronomers claim that there might be 234 alien civilizations present out there in the space.

Professor Ermanno Borra and Eric Trottier, a graduate student, from Laval University in Quebec claim to have found signals caused by light pulses that are generated by Extraterrestrial Intelligence, reports Complex. These signals are an indication from the aliens and they send it out to make other planet denizens aware of their existence. The duo found 234 such signals in their study, leading to the hypothesis of 234 different civilizations existing out there.

However, some professors, who have studied the paper of the duo have said that the hypothesis is immature. Talking about the two, Peter Plavchan, a professor at Missouri State University, said that they do not consider every natural possibility and jump prematurely to the supernatural conclusion.

Andrew Siemion, director at University of California Berkeley's Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Research said that there is no bolder claim that one could make in observational astrophysics than the discovery of intelligent life beyond the earth. He further said that people should not make such definitive statements about detections unless they have exhausted every possible means of follow-up. Still, the claims would be pursued by Breakthrough Listen Initiative as it feels that they are worthy of additional study.

Meanwhile, recent researches and discoveries strongly indicate the existence of alien life in the universe, claims The Daily Caller. In the recent past, scientists estimated that there is less than one chance in about 10 billion trillion chances of humanity being the only civilization in the universe. They also added that there have been around 10 billion alien civilizations in the history of the universe.

They used a simplified version of the Drake Equation to make the conclusion and therefore, this recent discovery of the two researchers cannot be written off so easily. It merits attention and it is a good sign that the Breakthrough Listen Initiative would study the findings further. More so, because the duo has also admitted that the hypothesis needs further work to be confirmed.

Space, Alien life