234 extraterrestrial, alien life forms may send light signals to establish contact with humans on Earth

Alien life forms inhabiting extraterrestrial civilizations may be trying to establish humans on Earth. These are the findings of a new study analyzing over 2.5 million stars as a part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

The analysis described in the paper titled "Discovery of peculiar periodic spectral modulations in a small fraction of solar type stars" suggests that out of over 2.5 millions stars explores, 234 stars sent out peculiar light signals, best described as "strobe-like" bursts.

According to the researchers, the shape of these light signals resemble an extraterrestrial signal to an extreme level. After the findings of the study were published, eminent physicist Stephen Hawking decided to figure out the truth behind these extraterrestrial signals as a part of Breakthrough Listen project.

The research team, thus, has identified more than 200 extraterrestrial civilizations bearing alien life forms that could potentially send out signals to humans on Earth, according to Tech Times. However, sceptics have their own concerns about the findings published in the paper.

According to searches for evidence of advanced life beyond Earth (SETI) protocol mutually agreed by different communities and countries, candidates must be confirmed by independent individual using their own telescopes. In addition, it requires all natural reasons to be discarded before taking into account any extraterrestrial reason behind any observation.

As a result, more than one telescope needs to be used to confirm the findings to account for the false positives. This helps find instrumental and other natural causes that may be producing such light signals.

The SETI team has also decided to analyze the findings listed in the paper and carefully examine all the data using another independent telescope. According to the scale used to measure the possibility of existence of an alien civilization called Rio scale, the research findings are insignificant.

But still the SETI team is keen to investigate the reason behind the light pulses, for it is considered to be one of the ways by which any alien life form would contact another extraterrestrial civilization.

SETI, Alien life