Aliens discovered on Mars? [Video]

"Aliens on Mars", sounds interesting. NASA is not leaving any chance to get the indications of existence of aliens on Mars and Jupiter's Moon Europa. Conspiracies with regards to the existence of aliens on Mars is a hot topic these days. NASA's efforts are being very helpful to find signs of their existence on Mars.

The E Cake reported that NASA's rover, while drilling the Martian surface, discovered curious creatures near it. YouTuber Mars Alive has unveiled that there is existence of life on Mars and the NASA's live feed revealed the creatures. NASA's alien hunting plans are working quite well on Mars even though the Mars Rover was meant for that purpose.

The report indicated that the alien hunter has cut the video clip from the feed while showing clear footages of small alien creature feeding on a smaller version of itself. Mars Alive claims that the video, when slowed down, will show the spot where the creature was feeding.

According to the report, another UFO hunter said after watching the video, "Here you see the Curiosity rover drilling into the dirt on Mars and as it is, a small critter is seen walking away from the drill area. To top it off, the small creature walks just a little way, before something even bigger stretches out from below a rock and snags it."

With the reports, alien hunters are claiming that NASA has been neglecting the activities happening around the rover on the Mars surface. UFO hunters also claim that NASA has several times cut the live feed from International Space Station when something strange, such as UFO, appeared on the camera.

NASA might be hiding the existence of aliens on Mars, which is yet to be proved. Or its silent may be because of pareidolia - a psychological phenomenon involving a stimulus wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something where none actually exists as reported.

Aliens, Illegal aliens