[VIDEO] 'Aliens' called on Earth 250,000 years ago, shows aluminium piece

A small piece made of aluminium, which looks like a "purpose built component" appears to be 250,000 years old, according to tests. Could it have been brought to the Earth by aliens? After all, aluminium is only 200 years old.

It is a 20-cm-long object, which is almost 90 percent aluminium. It looks as if it has been shaped by tools. There is speculation that it was brought to the Earth by extra-terrestrials.

"Lab tests concluded it is an old UFO fragment, given the substances it comprises cannot be combined with the technology available on Earth," said Gheorghe Cohal from the Romanian Ufologists Association.

The piece of equipment was found in 1973 by the Mures River in the city of Aiud. Near it lay a couple of large bones that belonged to extinct mammals, which died between 10,000 and 80,000 years ago.

The object was dated by Romanian officials and thought to be 250,000 years old. This was one finding that was confirmed by a lab in Lausanne, Switzerland. Some commentators even speculate that it had been left behind by a time traveller who must have run into some angry mastodons.

Currently, it is on display at the History Museum of Cluj-Napoca with its full background. Museum officials added a sign that explained "origin still unknown."

There are some debaters who do not give it a date of 250,000 years. They speculate that it could be between 400 and 80,000 years old. Even then, it was too early to produce aluminium, they admit.

Historian Mihai Wittenberger does not validate the age estimate, and claims that it must be part of a German World War 2 aircraft.

Skeptics dismiss the entire theory, explaining that it must have just been part of an excavator used in the original unearthing of a site, even while the ageing tests are not quite correct.

YouTube/ Viralvidz https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcmgL6kH8GpErQdZkRoAErQ

UFO, Aliens