Apple iPhone 7 catches fire, bursts and destroys car following Samsung Galaxy Note 7 fiasco

After scores of cases of the Samsung Note 7 blasts, which the company in deep trouble, its now time for Apple iPhone 7 to feature the same defect.

This is for the first time experienced by an Australian man who surprisingly found himself with a burnt iPhone 7 and a scorched car interior. The person by profession is a surfing instructor and recalls to have left his iPhone 7 under a pair of pants in his car. But on returning from the surfing class, it was very disturbing for him to have found his car windows completely black, and opening the door of the car, found his burning iPhone 7.

7 News, a local news station, has reported that the surfing instructor by name Jones has stated that, he had no doubts that the iPhone 7 lying inside his car was the source for the ignition of fire inside his car. He further states that, he found ash falling out as he unwrapped the pants- finding the iPhone 7 'just melting inside of it'. Therefore, it clearly establishes the fact that the iPhone 7 could be the only source that has led to fire in the car.

Indian Express reports that, Apple is investigating the incident, but a keen look at the photos of the incident would not establish that the iPhone 7 could not be the reason for the fire, and as such the incident of the iPhone blasts would be less likely to have occurred. However, if there is any truth to Mat Jones allegations- Apple needs to take well calculated steps to resolve the problem and manage the situations.

The occurrences of such incidents have amplified to a very large degree these days. The use of high capacity batteries with lower degrees of equivalent safety measures could be one reason for such blasts and events. Nevertheless, the chances of use such allegations to defame and hamper the business of the major players in the market could never be negated.

Therefore, until investigation reports produce actual and appropriate information, it would lead to a premature adjudication.

Nevertheless, it is suggested that the aspiring iPhone 7 buyers hold their decision at the moment and take a firm decision once the cloud of such incidents is cleared. Because, if any defect is found in the existing devices, Apple will have to rectify and replace all the existing defective devices with new ones without any problems.

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