Dakota Johnson admits Jamie Dornan possessiveness; fuels more divorce rumors from his wife Amelia Warner

Jamie Dornan and Amelia Warner divorce news is making rounds online and his alleged affair with co-star Dakota Johnson triggers more speculations. Further, Johnson just admitted how Dornan is so possessive with her even when they were filming "Fifty Shades." Can this be a hint too?

Dakota Johnson is rumored to be the main cause why Dornan is divorcing his wife Amelia Warner. There were incidents and clues in which the actor shares an intimate relationship with Dakota Johnson.

One, among these hints is Dornan being too possessive with Johnson as reported on Movie News Guide. Dakota just admitted how his "Fifty Shades" leading man would drive away those who seem to be disturbing her on the set. One particular incident, which Johnson jokingly shared is the one involving Rita Ora.

Many just believed that this is one of just the many serious natures of Jamie Dornan. He keeps guarding Dakota Johnson. When Rita Ora entered "Fifty Shades Darker" and Dakota was always with her all the time and she even kissed Dakota, this did not go well with Jamie Dornan.

This similar incident is popping up between Jamie Dornan and model Cara Delevigne. It was reported too on HNGN that Jamie Dornan is jealous of Cara for Dakota Johnson. The past days, Dakota Johnson is frequently hanging out with Delevigne and this upsets the actor more. It was even claimed that this prompted Jamie Dornan and Amelia Warner divorce.

Meanwhile, there is news that Jamie Dornan confessed how he misses Dakota Johnson post shoot wrap up for the second and the third movies of Fifty Shades. So, is this a clear indication of how he is so in love with his co-star?

Whatever is the reality, the news of Jamie Dornan and Amelia divorce and his romance with Dakota Johnson is getting serious. How it develops in these coming days, we might just find out soon.