World War 3 News & Update: Video Reveals Exact WW3 Date?

According to a recent YouTube video, Third World War is imminent and it will begin on January 22, 2017. The voice in the video adds that on this date, the world will witness massive loss of life and property. The nations that have been in conflict for years will launch their nuclear missiles in a bid to destroy their opponents. As a result, many innocent lives will be lost. The constant tension between various countries such as India Vs Pakistan, Syrian conflicts, South China Sea, ever present rivalry between USA and Russia, has been an indication of inevitable war that will commence in January, if the video is to be believed.

Since the date the video was posted, it has already been viewed over 600,000 times. Viewers will be able to see the projections and fears leading on to the unfortunate date. 22 January 2017 has been predicted as the exact date when World War 3 will begin. The voice in the background also adds, "They're going to attempt this. Will you send your sons and daughters to fight - or will you at least speak out?"

If the footage is any indication, they point out not just the war waiting to happen, it also centers on the leaders of the world whose job is to make it a peaceful place to live. However, they are propelling the world into a war like situation, highlighting the ironic position of the authorities, that are supposed to control the conflict.

While the video appears to be yet another click-bait scare tactic, it does come after ongoing tensions between US and Russia, as the two powerful nations issue threats and warnings against the growing international clash.

In a report by Metro UK, the video is reportedly stolen from somewhere and a random date has been plastered on top to incite views and clicks.