ISIS stops operating in Mosul; Iraqi military forces, US Army take offensive stand against Al Bagdadi

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, also known as the ISIS have now decided to stop their operations in the Northern city of Iraq, namely, Mosul.

Soon after the Islamic State's leader Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi declared his caliphate, most of the regions falling under the sovereign control of the legitimate Iraqi Government were under the illegal control of the members of this terrorist organization. The terror groups benefitted from the various oil wells and mining operations in these regions, which proved fatal to the Iraqi Government.

However, with the failure of talks and other dispute resolution mechanism, the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al Abadi has announced the launch of a broad offensive to retake the captured another cities from the illegal control of the ISIS.

In its most courageous and biggest military operations, the Iraqi Military has been successful in retaking control over dozens of villages, mostly south and east of Mosul. The military forces have also planned for further operations to annihilate the terror fractions such as the ISIS and other allied troops completely from the territory of Iraq.

PRI has reported that Major General Gary Volesky, US Army Major General, who heads the anti ISIS coalition's land component, said, "We are telling Daesh (ISIS) that their leaders are abandoning them. We've seen a movement out of Mosul. It's difficult for them to blend into the local population based on the number of different types of foreign fighters that there are".

The military operation took the lives of many civilians of the local vicinity as well. Nevertheless, the officials have claimed that the retaking of Mosul has been the biggest and the successful military operations of the Iraqi Army.

The officials have claimed that the ISIS members have fled from the northern cities, but have not made an explicit mention about the direction in which they are heading.

Voleshy notes, "But make no doubt, the Iraqi security forces have the momentum and they know it. They are as motivated to get to Mosul as we are to help them get there".

ISIS, Islamic State, Us army, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi