Alien-human hybrids exist among us, even you could be one of them

There is an extra-terrestrial section that has been living among us for ages. It includes the Greys and Reptilians who are creating a fresh "advanced" race on the planet. It is a section of genetically-engineered alien-human hybrids that are being researched by the Grey-Reptilian race, as HNGN reported.

"Aliens are implementing a large-scale project involving genetic profiling of millions of individuals before selecting a few possessing the most desirable genetic traits suitable for use in their genetic hybridization experiments," says inquisitr.

The plan is to take over humankind and rule the roost.

The steps that are being taken by the Grey Aliens include capturing humans, and later injecting "alien DNA" into their reproductive organs. Human hybrids can be only be borne by women.

Many humans have come forward to claim that they are Human-Grey alien hybrids. One woman, Leisha, says that her mother was "abducted many times."

She said: "I will be one of the hybrids that will lead mankind into the new age. I will help mankind go through their transition into the fourth and fifth world."

It was in the 1950s that a Grey-Reptilian confederacy treaty was signed by President Dwight Eisenhower, it is suspected. It made aliens establish a number of huge "underground genetic hybridization" research facilities. After capturing hundreds of humans, they harvested genetic material to use in genetic hybridization research programs, say UFO experts.

One such research facility is the Dulce Underground Facility in New Mexico. Even some abductees claim that they have been captured and inseminated with alien DNA.

In many cases, it is reported that aliens even visit females at night and inject them with alien traces while they sleep.

NASA, the official body that has been chasing aliens, has cautiously admitted that aliens, or extraterrestrial beings, do exist, though mutual insemination has not been examined so far.

YouTube/ David Vose
