Are you a alien-human hybrid?

Extraterrestrial life has always been a debatable yet a riveting topic. Scientists, researchers, even controversy theorists have their own notes and tidbits on it.

Books and movies made millions of dollars out of it. Adding to the hype, UFO researchers are claiming that a major part of Earth's population is actually alien-human hybrid.

Inquisitr reported that these researchers believed that since quite a while, grey-reptilian aliens are running a major genetic engineering research and development program fated to culminate in world domination. Keeping that in mind, millions of people are being genetically created to overshadow human race in near future.

Since the numbers are in million, can we assume that people we work with, our friends, or even our family members can be contaminated with alien DNA and are a secret alien-human hybrid. Do we fit in the category as well?

Alien researchers have stated that for a long time, aliens are working on ending the human race and conquer earth. Greys and reptilians are two of the major alien races behind this theory.

After interviewing various alien abduction victims, researchers concluded that these abductions are done with one thing in mind -- injecting alien DNA into humans so they can contaminate others.

In other cases, researchers claimed that aliens can impregnate women artificially to continue a new line of hybrids.

Alien hybrid theorists have stated that although it's very difficult for us to pinpoint the hybrids from humans, and there are no full proof test to do so.

Owner of UFO Sightings Daily blog, Scott W. Waring, says that extra-sensory characteristics, a feeling of alienation from earth's environment and its people and a strong power of intuition can be considered as a sign of being an alien-human hybrid.

Aliens, Hybrids, Conspiracy, Conspiracy therory