Yasiel Puig Reckless Driving Video & Transcription Dodgers Star's Arrest Released (VIDEO)

The Florida Highway Patrol on Tuesday released the dash cam video of Los Angeles Dodgers star Yasiel Puig reckless driving arrest for speeding. Below is the video and a partial transcription of the conversation between Puig and the arresting officer, as reported by Yahoo! Sports.

Puig was arrested and booked on Dec. 28 for reckless driving after an officer caught him going 110 mph in a 70 mph zone. Parts of the conversation between Puig and the officer were translated from Spanish by Roberto Baly of the Vin Scully Is My Homeboy blog:

Puig: I'm sorry sir, please don't take me.
Officer: You don't care about your mom's life?
Officer: Don't apologize to me. Apologize to your mom, cousin and the girl inside that car. I saved their lives.
Puig: I drove 70 mph most of the time. You got me when I went faster, I don't know why I started driving fast.
Puig: No one wants to see me on TV that you arrested me.
Puig: I'm sorry sir.
Officer: I told you many times not to apologize to me. You don't care about your mom.
Puig: Of course I care about my mom. I was taking her to see my son.
Puig: Can't you do a favor to a citizen? Please sir.
Puig: You let me go now, I will never drive again.
Puig: We are talking here, can you uncuff me? I won't do anything please.

In his police report, the arresting officer admonished Puig for putting lives in danger.

"By driving the vehicle in this manner Mr. Puig showed willful and a total disregard for the safety of his mother and the other two passengers and any vehicles on the roadway and placed the (lives) of everyone in his vehicle and every vehicle that he was passing on the roadway in danger," the police report reads, via InsideSocial.com.

"... If Mr. Puig would had loss control of his vehicle or would had suffered a tire failure and crash ... His mother and the two passengers would not have survived as result of his action."