Is an Alien Invasion Threatening Earth or is a World War III Coming up to Wipe out Mankind?

Is an alien invasion predicted in Sept. 2017? Or is U.S. and Russia joining hands for a probable World War III?

The NASA recently spotted a massive "miles-wide" alien UFO invasion fleet, which reportedly has entered the solar system. It is alleged that a possible UFO invasion may take place in Sept. 2017, reported Daily Star.

The news outlet also reported about a leaked Kremlin document that sheds light on a highly confidential meeting between US Vice President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Reportedly, Biden met with Putin to seek Russia's cooperation in protecting the planet from an alleged UFO invasion with an "Earth-wide" missile defense system.

However, no confirmation has so far been received on this matter or other evidence does not further establish that the White House or any other U.S. government agency is preparing to stop the alien invasion. NASA has also been tight-lipped about spotting the huge alien fleet in the solar system.

Notably, in 2016 many reports related to aliens as well as UFO surfaced. Some previous reports claimed that aliens were spotted in space while others suggested that UFOs were spotted at multiple places all over the world.

Talking about aliens, there are three sets of people, one who believe that aliens are enemies and may pose a threat to mankind. The second group believes that aliens are harmless and for the third group, all reports about aliens are fabricated. However, in U.S. a majority of people are believers, reports International Business Times. Additionally, scientists from NASA like popular astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson believes that alien life exists.

Coming to the meeting between Biden and Putin, it may also be an indication of a possible World War III. Moreover, the meeting happened just after details about a nuclear bomb that is capable of destroying France in totality was unveiled, giving rise to rumors about another disastrous war.

Vladimir putin, President Barack Obama