Facebook, Google, Twitter to help voters in US election

It's the D-day for the US presidential elections, and the three social media giants - Facebook, Twitter and Google - gear up to help voters find their assigned polling stations, information about the candidates and other election updates.

A wired report said Google's poll updates will be embedded in search results, and the US election results would be integrated into Google search in more than 30 languages around the world. Google has recorded nearly 233 percent increase in traffic for the words "How to Vote."

Value walk reported that if the viewers want additional information, US election news can be found at Google's voter registration and Election Hub.

Facebook has reportedly encouraged more than two million people to vote with its "Get Ready for Election Day" page, which founder Mark Zuckerberg is fond of.

The page helps users download vote planners, which can be printed out. In addition, value walk reported that Facebook helps with voter registration and election news updates.

Wired reported that Facebook page provides voters with details about candidates and a preview of the ballot paper, in case the voters are not used to voting.

The report added that Twitter has also got into the act to take part in the voting process. This has been reportedly led by @gov account. By messaging the official account, it is reportedly possible to locate polling locations and ballot info.

By direct messaging the official Twitter account, it is also possible to locate polling locations and information on the ballot.

According to the report, the account will respond automatically to the user and enquire about the address of the user, and in turn provide details of the local polling station.

The account will automatically respond asking for a person's address and then provide information the local polling station and the respective candidates.

Donald Trump, Google search, Facebook, 2016 presidential election