‘Fifty Shades Darker’ prodigy Jamie Dornan to star in new movie ‘Untogether’

Jamie Dornan, the prodigy who stole the limelight in Fifty Shades of Gray, is now all geared up to star in the upcoming movie "Untogether".

Now that Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson have wrapped up the shooting of their preceding marvel 'Fifty Shades Darker', the Hollywood sensation has already been involved in an approaching film "Untogether."

Photos from his first filming day were leaked via JustJared where the actor was revealed in his most casual yet laid-back attire. He was also photographed modifying his complete look to play the role of Nick. In another leaked photo, he was seen talking to a crew member. Dornan was also spotted wearing an off-white long sleeve shirt in between the read-throughs.

The upcoming film "Untogether" will revolve around the life of a teen prodigy who got addicted to heroin. After being sober and going through her recovery phase, she then tries to become a writer. The movie also features Jennifer Grey as Josie, Ben Mendelsohn as Martin and Lola Kirke as Tara.

Jamie Dornan, the protagonist will also play a writer, who has found success with his account of war-time gallantry stories, which allows him to dwell in wealth and makes him a womanizer. Meanwhile, Tara, who is the little sister of Andrea (Jemima Kirke) will be seen associated with her older boyfriend Martin. He is a rabbi and is much older than Tara.

Scott LaStaiti, Luke Daniels and Brandon K. Hogan will produce the movie, while Jeff Rice will executive produce 'Untogether'. Jeff Elliott and Chad Moore also will assist as executive producers and conduct Untogether through their sales company by the name of Green-Light International, which will be presenting it to the buyers this month at the Toronto International Film Festival.

This year has been quite productive for Jamie Dornan as he has starred in three films - Anthropoid, the 9th Life of Louis Drax and The Siege of Jadotville.

While Jamie Dornan fulfills the criteria for a Hollywood blockbuster, he is well known for his roles in Fifty Shades of Grey and its upcoming sequels Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed.

Dornan recently said shooting "Fifty Shades Darker" and "Fifty Shades Freed" was much easier for him than shooting "Fifty Shades of Grey." In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Dornan said that there was just too much pressure before "Fifty Shades of Grey" was released. "I think when you're making the first of any franchise there is a lot of pressure in terms of setting a tone and the way it's shot and the way it's played and finding your feet with it," he said.

Production is scheduled to begin Oct. 17.

Jamie Dornan