Drake finds way to win Taylor Swift back – her cats

Taylor Swift and Drake are vying for a new on-and-off couple fan club now, and everyone needs to do is to give them an abbreviated name, like Draylies, reported Inquistr.

The same report added that the internet was abuzz with rumours that Swift's going to the hip hop star's birthday party recently confirmed that there could be a real possibility that they were a couple.

The Inquistr pointed out that Drake has found that the way to Taylor's heart could be her cats, and he has gone out of the way to give Taylor some uncanny gifts, like picking out presents for her cats.

Drake is reported to have given Meredith and Olivia, Taylor's cats, some cat goodies. The Inquistr quoted MTV to say that Drake went "buck wild" over cat accessory shopping. The report added that Drake headed to Petco and bought her a designer bag to carry her cats in.

The Aussie news network said that there are rumours flying around that Taylor Swift might have got back with her ex-boyfriend, Tom Hiddleston.

The same report claimed that the 26-year-old singer split with Hiddleston after three months of dating. The ANN quoted another Inquistr report to suggest that the news cropped up when both Swift and Hiddleston flew to London on the same weekend. The fact that they even met during the trip is reportedly not confirmed.

According to Inquistr, Taylor has an enduring love for cats, which Drake is highly aware of. The love angle was boosted when the hip hop artist shared an image on Instagram, with her, on his birthday. His party had many celebrity guests, which reportedly included John Mayer, who incidentally dated both Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. It was Swift's presence in the party that caught everyone's attention, though.

Taylor Swift, Drake