Memorial For Gay And Lesbian Holocaust Victims Unveiled In Tel Aviv (VIDEO)

A memorial for gay and lesbian Holocaust victims was unveiled in Tel Aviv on Friday, the BBC News reported.

The monument, located in the center of the city and set to be placed outside the Municipal LGBT Community Centre in Tel Aviv's Meir Park, is designed around a pink triangle -- the symbol that gay and lesbian prisoners were forced to wear in concentration camps.

Written in English, Hebrew, and German, it reads "In memory of those persecuted by the Nazi regime for their sexual orientation and gender identity."

It is the first memorial of it kind's in Israel. Similar monuments have been created in Amsterdam, Berlin, San Francisco, and Sydney. Additionally, it is the first monument in the country that remembers both Jewish and non-Jewish victims.

"In addition to the extermination of Europe's Jews, the Nazis committed many atrocities, in an attempt to destroy anyone who was considered different," said Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai.

"This monument reminds us all how important it is for us to respect every human being," he added.

German Ambassador Andreas Michaelis said the monument serves two purposes.

"It is important that we put up monuments and name streets, in order to remember things that happened in the past. But they must be first and foremost reminders for the future," Michaelis said.

An estimated 15,000 gay and lesbian prisoners died in the camps and the Gestapo reportedly kept 100,000 on a special register.

BBC reports that Tel Aviv has a "vibrant" gay scene and hosts an annual gay pride festival.

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