UFO News 2016: Mysterious spaceship photographed on surface of comet P67 [VIDEO]

An outlandish and a mysterious ambiguous object has been pictured standing on the comet P67. The craft is known as one of its kind and has raised serious questions regarding the domain of alien life.

Alien trackers have discovered further revelations which hint towards the existence of extra-terrestrial life. The craft which landed on comet P67, has an odd shape.

According to reports, it has a "tail fin like that of a plane" and the sides similar to a "stealth jet fighter", maintains Scott C Warring who posted pictures from the Rosetta.

The color of the craft on comet P67 was totally different than the surface, hence, reassuring that the craft's landing has been external and that it's not a part of the comet's surface itself.

The photograph was captured by the European Space Agency. The program initiated by the ESA is supposedly being wrapped up, although, it is believed that the alien chasers will continue to look for further hints to investigate the case of the jet-fighter looking craft on comet P67.

ESA announced that they ended their mission in September. And before setting a seal, they came across this triangular shaped craft sitting on the comet's surface.

According to the UFO expert, "Can you imagine the ESA using their Rosetta lander to take up close photos of this?

"The ESA said the lander no long responds and has ended the mission, but that is a ruse to make the public believe.

"In reality, they will continue their mission, but this time looking for alien technology the can be retrieved and used, like this small ship."

The fact that the so-called spaceship or the craft successfully caught the eye of the alien hunters maintains that landing on a moving otherworldly body appears to be easy.

And if the extra-terrestrial spaceships contains unidentified intelligent life, then it might be possible that their technological status is far more versatile and upgraded than ours.

The investigations are seemingly going on at their pace. Many UFO enthusiasts and alien hunters are trying their best to find out a rock-solid answer to address queries on the intelligent life.

UFO sighting, Rosetta Comet