Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden conversation reveal alien’s Earth invasion starting September 2017

Planet Earth can see an invasion by UFOs as early as September 2017. This prediction follows sighting of a large number of UFOs entering the solar system.

In a report published by Parentherald.com, Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden had a conversation had a conversation on the matter.

A leaked document revealed that a large influx of UFOs entered into the solar system was sighted by an unconfirmed NASA report, leading to a possible invasion of Earth as early as September 2017.

In another report, Scot C Waring, a UFO researcher living in Taiwan, has identified an ancient alien hand while viewing images captured by Curiosity, NASA's rover space craft to Mars. The UFO hunter believed the hand to be similar to the ones of Earth's humans, leading him to conclude that Martians were humanoid.

He and other alien hunters believed that humans on Earth are actually descendants of Martians, who were humanoids a long time ago. These humanoids in Mars were destroyed by aliens by using nuclear warfare. Some of the survivors of that war arrived on Earth in UFOs and colonized our planet.

The prediction that UFOs would invade earth is supported by the views of Stephen Hawking, an authoritarian, renowned physicist who believed in aliens. His belief is that aliens would search for planets to conquer and colonize.

The possibility of invasion of Earth by aliens is further strengthened by the increasing reports of UFOs being witnessed by various UFOlogists, including the ones sighted in Peru, Italy and Lake Michigan in the U.S. during the recent elections. These increased sightings give rise to the suspicion that aliens may already be invading Earth.

If these reports are to be believed then it appears that Earth is on the verge of being colonized yet again by invasion of aliens, and come September 2017, Putin and Biden may be proved right in what they heard from unconfirmed reports from NASA.

Vladimir putin, Joe Biden, Stephen Hawking, UFOs