Donald Trump could face impeachment ahead of his Jan. 20 oath-of-office

Democracy in the U.S. is likely to be tested seriously even before President-elect Donald Trump will take the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2017. He could possibly become the first president to be impeached.

According to a report published by Independent, Christopher Peterson, University of Utah Law professor, said that Trump could be facing legal proceedings that could eventually stop him from becoming President.

The professor, in a paper, has made out a case for Trump's impeachment on the grounds of wrong doing in the case of Trump University, which was closed in 2010.

Professor Peterson said, "In the United States, it is illegal for businesses to use false statements to convince consumers to purchase their services."

The law professor explained that there is evidence in one case where Trump University made fraudulent representations to con families to invest in a sham program. The nature of the crime is so serious that it is an impeachable act, and Trump could be facing impeachment proceedings in this case.

This report by Rawstory puts the case in perspective.

Professor Peterson added, "Trump University trained staff to find the emotional vulnerabilities of students and exploit those vulnerabilities to sell additional Trump University packages."

Single mothers and families of veterans were targeted for exploitation as documents introduced as evidence reveal. These prospects were motivated to utilize credit cards to subscribe to the sham program.

Later, when the prospects learned of the scam, they found that there was no one to attend to their grievances as the university had vanished.

This aspect of the case may become vital in swaying public opinion, which is almost always necessary in an impeachment case.

Mike Pence could become President if Donald Trump gets impeached. America could stand on the cusp of history not only because Trump could become the first president ever to be impeached but also because Mike Pence could be taking the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2017.

Donald Trump