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Oregon man dissolves in acidic water in Yellowstone

In a gruesome accident, a man from Portland, Oregon essentially dissolved himself after falling down into a scalding and acidic hot spring in Yellowstone National Park.

Colin Nathaniel Scott, 23, was looking for a place to 'hot-pot'. Hot Potting is soaking in warm streaming waters. But it is forbidden in the park.

Colin, along with his younger sister Sable Scott, chose the hot spring called Pork Chop Geyser for the purpose. As he was leaning forward to check the temperature of the hot spring, he fell into it.

According to CNN, rescuers did find Scott's body in the pool, but due to bad weather conditions they couldn't retrieve it that day. When they came back next day, the body was already dissolved in boiling acidic waters of the spring.

KULR reported Deputy Chief Ranger Lorant Veress stating, "There's a closure in place to keep people from doing that for their own safety and also to protect the resources because they are very fragile. But, most importantly for the safety of people because it's a very unforgiving environment."

Incidentally, Sable was already recording their journey to the hot spring and has accidently recorded this fatal incident. However, the park officials stated that no part or description of the video will be made public.

This decision was taken out of respect for the deceased and his family.

Veress explained that Yellowstone in its natural form is wild and has dangers. However, it is kept that way to showcase the incredible geothermal resources that are there.

Even after numerous warnings over the years , a Chinese tourist was fined $1,000 for damaging the crust of Mammoth Hot Springs area.

He was apparently there to collect the spring water for medicinal purposes. This incident took place just a week after Scott's accident, as per Huffington Post.

Man, Yellowstone National Park
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