Charlie Sheen’s ex-wife Brooke Mueller under psychiatric care

Charlie Sheen's ex-wife Brooke Mueller and the couple's twin boys have been found by Utah Department of Public Safety (UDPS). All of them are safe.

As TMZ reported, police were on a hunt for Brooke after she ran off with her two 7-year-old sons, Bob and Max, Tuesday night.

Witnesses told TMZ that Brooke appeared in a Salt Lake City bar barefoot and looking disheveled with her boys and a nanny searching for a cigarette.

Brooke and the nanny started arguing and the witnesses had to notify the police because of the fight. Onlookers also called the authorities as Brooke brought the two kids in a bar.

However, they left before the police came. Later on, it came to light that they tried to check in many hotels in the area, hoping for a room.

During her bar stay, Brooke introduced herself as Charlie Sheen's ex-wife and even gave away Sheen's mobile number to people.

UDPS officially released a statement explaining that on the morning of Nov. 16, the Utah Highway Patrol troopers received a call from a woman claiming to be Brooke's mother.

The woman requested to locate her daughter and also check her mental health. Hours late, the Utah Highway Patrol safely located Mueller, her two children and the nanny on Interstate 15 near Nephi, Utah.

TMZ further stated that currently, Brooke is under medical care for psychiatric diagnosis. Reports of Brooke allegedly hitting the two boys while under influence have also surfaced.

The kids have been taken away from their mother and given to an undisclosed family member. The State Bureau of Investigation is currently investigating the incident.

Brooke and Charlie got married in 2008 and divorced in 2011. This is not the first time when Brooke had a run-in with law enforcement. In 1996, Mueller was arrested on DUI charges in Florida. Then again on 2011, she was arrested for cocaine possession, according to Wikipedia.

Charlie Sheen, Max, Utah