Penn. Working to have Medical Marijuana Legalized

Penn. will be filing a medical marijuana bill on Monday. Sponsors believe that they will see progress this time.

There are already 20 states in the U.S that have legalized marijuana for medical use pioneered by Calif. in 1996 with a possession limit of 8 ounces. In 2013, the last two states to join the bandwagon were Illinois and New Hampshire with a limit of 2.5 and 2 ounces accordingly. Marijuana can be prescribed to specific medical conditions such as AIDS, anorexia, arthritis, cancer, chronic pain, migraine, persistent muscle spasms, seizures, epilepsy, and more.

As of Aug. 2013, there are four states with pending legislation to legalize medical marijuana including Minnesota, Ohio, New York, and Pennsylvania. On the other hand, there are still 13 states which rejected the medical marijuana use.

In Penn., Democrat Senator Daylin Leach and Republican Senator Mike Folmer announced that they will be filing a medical marijuana bill on Monday. They are positive that the revised bill will pass since they have requested inputs from other groups including lawmaker, health representatives, professionals, parents, patients, and other marijuana reform organizations.

"It's time that we help these individuals to end their pain and suffering," Sen. Leach told The Daily Chronic. "I invite my fellow legislators on both sides of the aisle to join us, to put politics aside, and to allow people to take advantage of the multitude of benefits this medicine has to offer."

Once the bill is passed, it will allow medical representatives to prescribe medical marijuana to patients with cancer, glaucoma, post-traumatic stress disorder, HIV/AIDS, chronic pain, nausea, seizures, epilepsy, spasms, and other conditions which they believe can be treated or relieved by the marijuana.

The State Board of Medicine will be working with professionals in creating a cannabis therapy for patients including minors with parental consent. Furthermore, patients can possess up to 3 ounces of marijuana.

Despite the positive expectations of those favoring the bill, Penn. Governor Tom Corbett expressed that he will reject any proposal to legalize medical marijuana unless the FDA proves that it will truly benefit the patients.

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