Justin Bieber lost his Ferrari for three weeks; Here's why

Justin Bieber has managed to lose his Ferrari 458 Italia sports car for about a month. And by lose, it means getting sloshed and completely forgetting where he parked the car.

As per Daily Star Sunday, the 22-year old singer went out with his pals to hit the town for a hard night out in West Hollywood. Apparently, he parked the $240,000 supercar at the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills. But he couldn't recall where his car was afterwards because yes, he was that drunk.

Next, Bieber charged an assistant with the task of finding his car. After three weeks, she finally managed to locate the car where it was parked.

Acoording to a member of the hotel's valet team, "She (the assistant) was in a real state of panic and almost cried with relief when we told her the Ferrari was safe in a covered spot here."

"Celebrities will leave one of their vehicles with us inbetween stays so it's ready for them to use as soon as they check-in. We all assumed Justin had done that."

A friend told the tabloid that the "Sorry" hitmaker is now planning to hire a transport manager, whose only job will be keeping a track of where all the cars are all the time. However, with Beiber as their boss, not many can handle the job.

Daily Mail reports that back in July, 2012, he was caught by the cops for overspeeding. Then again in 2013, He drove a Lamboghini to six speeding tickets in Dubai.

Justin Bieber was arrested in January 2014, in Miami Beach, Florida, together with singer Khalil on suspicion of driving DUI and driving with an over six month expired license.

The same year in September, he was again arrested and charged with assault and dangerous driving in Ontario, Canada after a collision between a minivan and Bieber's quad bike.

In August 2015, Justin Bieber got a ticket for overspeeding while driving his blue Ferrari in Beverly Hills.

Justin bieber, Ferrari, Loses