Nostradamus Predictions: Does the prophecy really define Donald Trump as the Bible's anti-christ?

New Year 2017 is just a month away and the prophecies for it are already in the media. Although, many 2016 Nostradamus prophecies did not come true, few prophecies like Donald Trump to win U.S. Election took all the attention on prophecies and predictions for the upcoming year.

While Trump argues on climate change or exit of Paris Agreement, modernization of nuclear weapons, a fear covers people's minds. People believe Nostradamus predictions for 2017 and trying to claim him anti-christ, too.

Nostradamus predictions and Bible's prophecies use the word 'Trump' in their sayings. Has this word created the prophecy hoax? According to Predictions of Nostradamus, the seer writes the description of a leader as a "great, shameless, audacious brawler will be elected governor of the army." Does that really refer to Trump?

He also writes, "The false trumpet concealing madness will cause Byzantium to change its laws. From Egypt there will go forth a man who wants the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards." The word "Trumpet" is compared to Donald Trump but how far it holds future shall decide.

"The republic of the great city will not want to consent to the great severity. King summoned by trumpet to go out, The ladder at the wall, the city will repent," Nostradamus wrote. It is related to America, which is the Constitutional Republic. Again, the word "Trumpet' here is referred to Donald Trump.

Bible's prophecies are also considered against the President-elect. For people who believe in these predictions, Trump's assassination wouldn't be a surprise for them. Some people also believe Trump as the "trumpet" that sounds in the Bible's Anti-christ and the end times of Revelation.

While so many prophecies go against Trump, it doesn't prove Trump the reason for an apocalypse. However, Trump needs to pull his hands out of the nuclear activities to prove himself not the cause for World War 3.

Donald Trump, Bible