Student In Custody After Possibly Explosive Device Found At Seven Lakes High School In Texas

A student suspect was taken into custody after a possibly explosive device was discovered at Seven Lakes High School in Texas on Monday, prompting a full evacuation of students and faculty, CBS News reported.

Authorities arrived on school grounds in Katy after learning of the situation around 10:00 a.m. All students were safely escorted outside onto the football and baseball fields as officials investigated the building.

The device was located at 11:00 a.m. In addition to police, the Houston Police Department's bomb squad arrived and the FBI and the Harris County Sheriff's Office began assisting the investigation.

Information on the student suspect were not immediately available.

School officials initially asked parents to not come by the school and pick up their children in order to avoid any further difficulties with the investigation. Later on, all students were transported to Seven Lakes Junior High School where parents are allowed to pick the students up.

Students who drove or walked to school were also given permission to leave. However, no one is allowed back in the building and all after-school activities have been cancelled.

According to the school website, Seven Lakes High School has more than 3,800 students. Katy is located about 25 miles west of Houston.

The investigation into the matter is ongoing.