Baby Girl's Cute Reaction To Seeing Father's Twin Brother For The First Time (VIDEO)

It's only January, but the 2014 viral video of the year may already be here. In a YouTube video a baby girl is shown wide-eyed and confused as she sees her father's twin brother for the first time.

The beginning of the video shows the family entering what appears to be the home of the girl's father's twin brother.

"We waiting on this one," a family member in the video says as the baby, wearing a pink hat and a pacifier in her mouth, lays eyes on her father's twin brother.

The little girl does nothing but stare at her father's look alike, while her father holds her in his arms.

"Look how she looking!" a woman in the background says. The family members erupt into laughter as the baby continues to stare.

"Who in the world?" a man says, mocking the baby.

When the twin brother takes the girl into his arms, she looks from the twin to her father, back to the twin, then back to her dad.

"Oh my baby so confused," a woman, most likely the mother, says in the video as everyone continues to laugh.

"Hey there is two of us huh?" the girl's uncle says to her, "You confused ain't you?

The girl eventually high-fives her uncle towards the end of the video. Close to two million people have watched the charming moment since it was uploaded onto Youtube on Jan. 10.