Prince Harry says ‘I love you’ to another woman; should Meghan Markle be jealous?

Prince Harry and U.S. TV series "Suits" actress Meghan Markle are now officially a couple. And sources stated that they couldn't be more happy and in love.

However, it seems like Harry is professing his love to another lady behind Meghan's back, as reported by Mirror.

Should Meghan be jealous or worried? Apparently not.

In his royal Caribbean tour itinerary, Prince Harry has six countries where the Queen is head of state.

According to The Sun, a source said, while in tour "His Royal Highness will pay special attention to issues which are common throughout the region, and will learn how each country and local community is responding to these challenges."

During the tour, Harry made a surprise visit to a village named Vermont on the Caribbean island of St Vincent.

Locals were extremely excited to have the Prince among them and they lined up to meet Harry.

One such star struck woman was the 54-year-old Avis Collis, a local farmer who especially approached the Prince to express her love for him. She said "Love you."

Harry in return reciprocated her feelings and uttered the three magical words, "I love you", while holding her hand.

Needless to say that, Avis was over the moon. So much so that later she gave the Mirror reporter her phone number and asked to give it to Harry.

"He told me he loved me I can't believe it. I may be 54 but I'm single and I'm available," Avis said.

Looks like girlfriend Meghan has nothing to fear, as Harry was just being sweet and polite to Avis.

The "Suits" actress should feel very secure in her relationship because Prince Harry couldn't seem to stop himself from mentioning that he is in a relationship wherever he goes.

Even during this official trip but more relaxed trip, Harry mentioned he is dating Meghan Markle.

Taking the opportunity of this information, Antiguan Prime Minister Gaston Browne even invited Prince Harry and Meghan to visit the country on their "honeymoon".

Prince harry, St. Vincent