Two Officers Acquitted Of Beating Mentally Ill California Homeless Man (VIDEO)

The two former Fullerton police officers charged with the 2011 beating and death of a mentally ill homeless man were acquitted of all charges today after jurors deliberated for two days on the verdict, Reuters reported.

Manuel Ramos, 39, was acquitted of second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter, and Jay Cicinelli, 41 was acquitted of involuntary manslaughter and use of excessive force, according to Reuters.

Both men were found not guilty of all charges against them in the case of Kelly Thomas, 37, after a month long trial, a Orange County District Attorney spokeswoman told Reuters.

Thomas was approached and questioned by the two officers at a bus depot in July 2011 about reports of vandalized cars in the area, leading to what prosecutors call an "unnecessary and savage beating that cost the unarmed homeless man his life," Reuters reported.

The encounter involved a total of six Fullerton police officers and was caught on the bus depot surveillance camera, according to Reuters.

In the tape, Ramos can be seen putting gloves on his hand before repeatedly hitting Thomas in the face with his fist and yelling at Thomas, who he knew from a previous stop: "You see these fists? They are getting ready to f--- you up," Reuters reported.

At the end of the tape, and Thomas' life, he can be heard screaming for help on the floor as the officers repeatedly hit him and shock him with a stun gun, according to Reuters. Thomas can then be heard yelling for his fathers help: "Daddy, they're killing me."

Both defendants attorney's stated Thomas mas dangerous and that the officers acted accordingly to the situation they were trained for, and blamed Thomas' weak heart due to drug use for his death instead, Reuters reported.

Orange County Sheriff deputies were called as back-up to the courthouse as about 50 protesters rallied outside carrying signs that read: "Police the Police" or "No More Killer Cops," Reuters reported.

"I'm just so frustrated. So disgusted. It's horrible, just horrible," Ron Kelly, Thomas' father, said after the trial, Reuters reported.