Doomsday Clock Remains At 5 To Midnight; Human Race Still In Danger Thanks To Nuclear Weapon Arsenals And Climate Change

The Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists announced the minute hand of their famous "Doomsday Clock" will remain at five minutes to midnight.

The action is an effort to remind people that "the risk of civilization-threatening technological catastrophe remains high," a SAGE publications news release reported.

The board also asked that the United States and Russia restart negotiations on getting rid of their "nuclear arsenals" and that leaders all over the world join in the battle against climate change.

The board agreed some progress had been made last year in terms of "negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program and in the production of renewable energy," but these developments were within a "business as usual" context that has hindered progress in the past. New technologies such as "killer robots" also emerged in 2013, the board believes these types of innovations are a step in the wrong direction.

"As always, new technologies hold the promise of doing great good, supplying new sources of clean energy, curing disease, and otherwise enhancing our lives. From experience, however, we also know that new technologies can be used to diminish humanity and destroy societies," the Board wrote according to the news release. "We can manage our technology, or become victims of it. The choice is ours, and the Clock is ticking."

The Doomsday Clock has been set to five minutes to midnight since January 2012. The board says it will remain so due to the "failure of world leaders to take action that would reduce the possibility of catastrophe related to nuclear weapons and climate change," the news release reported.

The board says there has been little development on the nuclear weapons problem since Russia offered asylum to Edward Snowden, who leaked US classified documents. The board asked that UN leaders demand that the United States and Russia continue negotiations.

"Once there," the Board wrote. "They should take the courageous steps needed to further shrink their nuclear arsenals, to scrap their deployment of destabilizing missile defenses, and to reduce the alert levels of their nuclear weapons."

The board also said the clock will remain set to "doom time" until world leaders step up and work to combat climate change.

"The science on climate change is clear, and many people around the world already are suffering from destructive storms, water and food insecurity, and extreme temperatures," the Board wrote. "It is no longer possible to prevent all climate change, but you can limit further suffering -- if you act now."

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