Yahoo sets hack record at 1 billion accounts

Yahoo revealed on this Wednesday that they are facing another hacking attack and this time more than 1 billion user accounts might be hacked and affected. This number is just double of last time hacking attack revealed in September.

Last time hack occurred in August 2013 and personal details of user accounts were stolen. User's names, email address, date of birth, telephone numbers, and encrypted passwords, security questions and answers were included in the stolen data.

After facing the second time attack the company said: "Yahoo is notifying potentially affected users and has taken steps to secure their accounts, including requiring users to change their passwords,". This time company took more security and invalidate all security questions and answers so that hackers cannot access and use users' account.

According to the Bloomberg report, maximum victims are US government, such as the staffs of the White House, Congressmen, FBI agents, officials, National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and US militaries which are actually a threat to national security. This is the biggest threat to the world in this present turmoil situation.

Yahoo said last hacking attack as the biggest cyber security breach where half billion of accounts and every detail were hacked. After this incident, Yahoo couldn't make much profit and faced huge losses. The company decided to sell it to the other tech giant Verizon, which was ready to buy Yahoo for $4.8 billion dollars in July. All things were set, the deal was finalized but second time hacking compelled the executive of Verizon to pause the deal. According to a Yahoo spokeswoman "We are confident in Yahoo's value and we continue to work toward integration with Verizon,".

Yahoo is now trying to get over from this trouble, investigation work started immediately. Verizon said that they will evaluate everything and observe the development after the investigation is done and then they will finalize about buying Yahoo.

"When entities have mediocre security hygiene, they inevitably end up having lost the keys to a much larger kingdom than we originally thought," said Sumit Agarwal, co-founder and vice president of product at cyber security company Shape Security. Dmitri Sirota, CEO of data protection company BigID said that high profile individuals might be the main target of this attack. "The reality is within that billion users, there's probably a couple politicians, a few celebrities, a few people in key industries," she added it also.