Rock-ingredients found on Mars can sustain life

NASA's Curiosity rover has been busy exploring the Martian landscape. Part of its investigation includes searching for data that supports the evolution of ancient lakes and related water structures under the ground.

The investigation focuses on the creation of environments that suits microbial existence. This emergence is related to chemical enhancements that will be vital to the changes that occurred thousands of centuries in the past.

During the course of the rover's exploration, notable substances in abundance are the hematite, boron and clay minerals. Experts are currently weighing the impact of layer locations on such raw materials.

It has been found that the minerals were situated in uphill areas. How groundwater has played a role in the formation or relocation of the ingredients is presently being determined.

The impact of water movements has been prominent in mineral veins. These networks have surfaced along the layer fissures where chemicals had been dissolve by underground liquid. The fused substances have been integrated into the rock matrix resulting in the chemical modification of both the water and its nearby surroundings.

Speaking during an update by the Curiosity's science group, Caltech's John Grotzinger shares that there are a lot of variations in compositions that were observed at various layer levels. The diversified characteristic of younger and higher elevations where clay-carrying sediments had been formed is simply impressive.

Grotzinger further adds that a chemical reactor is a result of the minerals being reorganized. As new ones replace the old form, a re-allotment of electrons also happens. Resulting reactions surface to sustain life.

In 2012, the rover has arrived on the Gale Crate in Mars with a goal to determine if the surrounding environment on the Red planet supports microbial life. Until the recent findings, there is no evidence that backs life on Mars.

Mount Sharp has been a compelling find since it depicts various geological layers that mirror Martian evolution. The discovery of chemical substances along the mountain's terrain will be essential to the goal of finding life.

As of late, drilling maneuvers are being done at regular intervals. Curiosity Deputy Project Scientist Joy Crisp has said that the thick basal layer of the mountain is being driven through continuously.

Curiosity rover, Nasa, Mount Sharp