Why Sarah Paulson is on Brad Pitt's side: She got snubbed by Angelina Jolie and returns the compliment

So the latest on the Brangelina divorce bandwagon is Sarah Paulson. She is said to be "100 per cent on Team Brad" in order to cold-shoulder Angelina Jolie. Being an actress of some importance is helping her to do it thoroughly too.

"Angie was incredibly rude to Sarah during the making of '12 Years a Slave' in New Orleans, giving her the cold shoulder and making it quite clear her presence wasn't welcome," according to a source, says Radaronline. So the "openly gay" actress, Sarah "has never forgiven her for it, particularly as Angie's a gay icon for her. The 41-year-old Paulson "has already reached out to Brad and he's welcomed her support with open arms."

The 52-year-old actor, Brad Pitt, is reported to have starred in as well as produced the movie through his Plan B Entertainment company. The fallouts of the film is being felt in his private life as well now.

Sarah Paulson wields some influence in the media circuit, as she has become "one of the most acclaimed actresses" on television since that interesting film.

Speculations are that Angelina Jolie might be quite miffed and regret that she made Sarah prickly over her.

To those who are interested in Brad Pitt's social circle, it is clear that "He's ramping up his new social circle and actively pursuing all of the above and more for work and social opportunities," the source added. "He's ready to finally have some fun!"

However, the entire story has been dismissed completely by Gossip Cop as "completely fabricated."

"We're further told, "Sarah and Angelina never met during production" on 12 Years a Slave, but "they met once at the Academy Awards when the film won, and there was a very brief and lovely exchange," the website explains.

Brangelina, Angelina jolie, Brad pitt, Sarah paulson, 12 Years a Slave